Saturday, March 16, 2024

Pick a Card ~ then look, and look again


Today we're going to pick a random tarot card and write down our interpretation of it.  Then we're going to leave it set out for the day, and we're going to go back two more times to look at the card and write down our interpretation of it.  The results may surprise you.  Below you'll find the card I drew, as well as three different interpretations that I wrote down on the same day...

Wheel of Fortune...

  • First read

For quite some time now, someone has been riding out a set of circumstances in their life that they just can't find an answer to, can't find a successful closure for.  They just don't know how to stop this wild tumultuous emotional ride that they're on.  The results of this conundrum may be many... if they can't find closure for something, they can't begin something new; if they can't find a way to stop a repetive negative set of circumstances, it may negatively impact their work, their romantic dreams, their familial relationships, as well as their mental and physical health.  They need to take a leap of faith and jump off this horrendous mental ferris wheel.  You never know, where they wind up may be way better than where they are now.  

  • Second read

Someone is trying very hard to ignore gossipy, nasty, jealous, libelous information being passed on to them by an individual (perhaps more than one individual) about someone in their common circle of friends.  They must know that this disagreeable and destructive feedback they are getting is not true, and is obviously laced with the desire to cause drama and conflict.  Meanwhile, the target of this vociferous dastardly exchange is completely oblivious to it, and this victim may also be unwittingly interacting with the gossip, unaware that they may be giving them more ammunition, albeit completely innocent information.  So, speaking to the someone who's receiving this gossip and garbage, why is this individual(s) still sitting within your circle of friends?

  • Third read
Someone is trying to find information on an individual, and they have help, a lot of help actually.  They are trying desperately to find someone with whom they have something important to say, maybe something important to pass on, and they are going to great lengths to find this person.  This seems to be a time sensitive matter, and time may be running out.  There is the feeling that this is very important and life changing, that this may be something legal, or something life saving, or life enhancing to whomever they are seeking. 

Audio Version @ YouTube
Episode #19:

Merry Meet

"Reclaim your power, O' ancient one. Walk the paths of your ancestors, communicate with the spirit world, and challenge the shadow...