Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Daily Cards/Daily Wisdom


King/swords; 6/swords; The Lovers

Well, this is certainly one of the clearest set of cards I've seen in a long time.  The very short, micro-story, here is that this belligerent know-all king is going to be moving on to a new relationship.

Now, we'll take a closer look...

The King himself... (5/pentacles; Queen/swords; Page/swords)

This king is running a little low on money, he's not doing so well financially, so running away and starting over may prove to be quite a challenge because of this.  However, with this in mind, he might have found himself a new partner, or potential partner, that is as belligerent and arrogant as he is.  Somehow, he is not taking into consideration that this might be a problem in the future, when these two personalities actually have to coexist with each other.  In the end, it will be a "war of words" with this situation, because both the King and Queen of swords use their tongues as a weapon.

The Actual Act of leaving... (ace/swords; 7/cups; ace/wands)

This king has taken the act of leaving a relationship to an art form.  This is something that's been given a lot of thought.  As a matter-of-fact, almost as soon as he was hooked up in the present relationship, he's already been contemplating his escape.  After all, obsession, passion, and interest dies pretty quickly for this king.  He's got the concentration and focus of a gnat.  This king is the one that is never happy where he's at, because he's always looking ahead to something he thinks is better.  

The new couple... (9/swords; 6/cups; 8/pentacles)

The new couple really aren't giving any thought to the repercussions of their hookup, not in the slightest.  This king and queen don't care how it affects other people, because they're both pretty selfish and are thinking of themselves first.  This might seem like an easy transition to the king, since this appears to be someone from his past, someone he already knows.  He feels that he already has a leg up on manipulating this new queen, as he thinks he knows what makes her tick.  But alas, there's been a lot of water under the bridge, so to speak, since he was with her last, and she is going to be a very different person than he remembers.  He will also find himself scurrying to get a job and start bringing in cash for this new queen, because she expects it, and she's going to be tapping her foot, impatiently waiting to hear the "ka-ching" coins being added to her surprisingly empty purse.

Audio Version @ YouTube
Episode #17:


Merry Meet

"Reclaim your power, O' ancient one. Walk the paths of your ancestors, communicate with the spirit world, and challenge the shadow...