Thursday, October 26, 2023

Daily Cards/Daily Wisdom


So how about this, I pick up a tarot deck that's always displayed on one of my witchy shelves, it's a small version of Hanson/Roberts, and I begin to do my awkward very personal little shuffle while standing there in the living room, and I'm saying to myself: "Spirit, tell me what I need to know.  Show me what I must see."  And out flies four cards that hit the floor, all in a single pile.

I pick them up, and this is what I find:

6/cups (reversed); 9/swords; Page/wands; 10/swords

The short story:

The first card, the card of nostalgia, tells us that someone from the past has come forward, and because this card is reversed there may be complications with this new old arrival from the past.  This person may prove to be problematic.  This renewed connection is going to cause a lot of anxiety and emotional ups and downs.  I'd call it a mental turmoil on a variety of levels.  The page tells us that there is communication with this person-from-the-past and someone in the here and now, a lot of back and forth banter, actually.  And the last card, the result of it all, is that someone is going to suffer the pain of betrayal and feel as though they were stabbed in the back.

And there you have it.  The short version of an old/new story.  The really odd thing is that this applies to me in such a huge no-denying in-your-face way that it's actually spooky.  

But at least I know what's up.

Audio Version @ YouTube
Episode #16:

Merry Meet

"Reclaim your power, O' ancient one. Walk the paths of your ancestors, communicate with the spirit world, and challenge the shadow...