Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Daily Cards/Daily Wisdom


Justice; The Hermit (R); Queen/wands

Someone is going to run into an issue that will require them to explain themselves, to justify themselves, and possibly to eat some crow, because they were self-absorbed, or selfish, or they suffered from an unfortunate moment of tunnel vision, or all three.  I know, if this is you, that you meant well, you thought you were doing the right thing -- which means making some unpopular decisions sometimes, but this one backfired on you.

You might find it beneficial, not only to the relationships that this has affected, but also to yourself and your emotional well-being, to back away and step into the shadows for a while, not forever, just for a while.  Let the storm blow over, shall we say.  Time will lessen the effects -- it will lessen the force of emotions, the riled tempers, and the bruised egos, including yours.

Don't worry.  You have not lost your place in the grand scheme of things, nor shall you relinquish all control to someone else.  Perhaps this lesson has taught you that it's okay to delegate responsibility to someone else, it's okay to not be at the top of the ladder, it's okay to run a game plan from behind the scenes and take no credit for the success that comes from it.

You're going to come through this and discover new strengths and a whole new perspective that will open new paths for you.

Audio Version @ YouTube
Episode #8:

Merry Meet

"Reclaim your power, O' ancient one. Walk the paths of your ancestors, communicate with the spirit world, and challenge the shadow...