Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Daily Cards/Daily Wisdom


Queen/pentacles; Queen/wands (R); King/Swords (R)

Our issue today looks like it's a truce that needs to be called, maybe an apology that needs to be spoken.  There appears to be a conflict between two energies, energies that tend to naturally clash the way it is -- one very controlling and maybe a wee bit manipulative, if we want to be honest, and the other very grounded and stable and also a wee bit stubborn.

And there you have it.

There is the feeling here that no one wants to confront what's really going on; no one wants to be the first one to speak up or point out the issue.  So, apparently, everyone seems content to just let this situation ride as is for an indefinite period of time, but...

Knight/pentacles; Knight/wands; Judgement (R)

There are forces at work here, energies swirling and building, whether anyone wants to acknowledge this fact or not.  The conflict lay in the idea of "perspective":  the first one is based in sound logic and linear thinking; the second one is based on passion, impulsiveness, and unbridled enthusiasm.  And Spirit is telling us that to come to neutral ground, to honestly acknowledge and honor each other, "Judgment" is going ot have to be laid aside.

Audio Version @ YouTube
Episode # 7:

Merry Meet

"Reclaim your power, O' ancient one. Walk the paths of your ancestors, communicate with the spirit world, and challenge the shadow...