Thursday, March 6, 2025

Episode #40 ~ Daily Cards, Daily Energy, a lesson in ego & other stuff


The Fool; 5/swords and Page/swords accidently came up together; 4/swords

You might think that you've solved an issue all on your own.  You might feel like David who slew Goliath, like you are some freakish modern superman and you have the enemy on the run, terrified of your all powerful omnipotent presence.

You are wrong.

Someone had your back, someone who doesn't want any acknowledgment or praise, someone who would prefer to remain anonymous and let you have your moment of glory, as undeserved as it may be.

Find out who this person is -- and say "thank you".

You've held this defensive stance for quite some time, too long in fact.  Your shoulders ache from holding that sword aloft, ready to wield a fatal blow to anyone who may attack you -- attack your decisions, your judgement, your ego.

And all the time you've remained like this, frozen in that protective posture, life has been going on around you, sometimes seemingly unaware of your angst, your anxiousness, your defensiveness.  In being so focused on what is directly in your line of vision, you've missed the magical world transpiring in your perepheral sight.  You might have vaguely been aware of it on occasion, a murmur of happy voices in the distance, laughter spontaneous and soft, movement filled with color and purpose and direction, but always just out of your reach, always at a distance.  Unattainable, or so you thought.

Put the sword down.  It's time to join the rest of the world.

Don't miss the chance for an upcoming journey, there's more to it than just a physical experience and satisfying the taste for travel.  At the end of this trek, you will discover that something or someone you connected with along the way, something you may not have even found significant at the time, will stay with you and give you a great sense of peace and comfort.

Please remember, these are general readings done with no one particular individual in mind.  This reading may resonate with a wide variety of people in various phases of life and under uniquely personal circumstances.

I also wanted to note that I no longer give personal readings for individuals, and that all of these general readings, both at The Mystic Crone and at Phoenix Rising, are FREE readings, written and recorded on a whim when the urge strikes me.

If you enjoy these readings and videos, I would appreciate it if you would "like" and "subscribe" at YouTube.  I have to say that it's kind of nice to get some sort of feedback for the effort I put into creating them.  It lets me know I'm doing a good job!

Audio Version @ YouTube
Episode #40:

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Episode #39 ~ Daily Cards/Daily Energy, The Final Solution & Generosity Beware


Queen/cups; Justice; Knight/cups

You've been going round and round about this for a while now, and even though you've tried holding your emotions at bay, trying valiantly to look at this from a logical perspective, it hasn't been easy, and  you haven't been very successful with this approach.  I feel the most frustrating part of this for you is the fact that the solution, and the most realistic observation of this situation, should be really clear, cut and dried, but there are people around you that are not looking at this in the same way, and it's frustrating you.

You may feel that you have come, or are coming, really close to giving up and throwing in the towel.  Don't.

Out of the blue, from a completely unexpected source, will come the answer -- and the solution -- that everyone needs.  Indeed, upon this revelation, you might slap yourself on the head and wonder in befuddled exasperation, "Why didn't I think of that!"

Four/pentacles; The Lovers; Knight/pentacles

You keep giving something to someone that you should be holding onto for yourself.  And it appears that you do this not only voluntarily, but on a very regular basis or schedule.  It has become a habit.  Apparently, the recipient has become so used to this that their sense of entitlement has reached a point where they may not even be acknowleding this gift any longer.  You are probably not hearing any thank yous, but you still keep giving.  That's the problem.

This situation is taking place in the realm of a relationship, most likely a romantic relationship, but it could be a platonic relationship that just carries a lot of the same type of energy.

There's someone around you that is aware of this set of circumstances.  They've probably been silent about it for a long time, feeling it might not be their place to interfere or to give an opinion, but the consequences of your actions are getting quite serious now.  This individual is getting ready to do you a favor and point out the discrepancies and the folly of this constant "giving".  They're going to tell you to stop -- listen to them, and be grateful for their presence.

Please remember, these are general readings done with no one particular individual in mind.  This reading may resonate with a wide variety of people in various phases of life and under uniquely personal circumstances.

I also wanted to note that I no longer give personal readings for individuals, and that all of these general readings, both at The Mystic Crone and at Phoenix Rising, are FREE readings, written and recorded on a whim when the urge strikes me.

If you enjoy these readings and videos, I would appreciate it if you would "like" and "subscribe" at YouTube.  I have to say that it's kind of nice to get some sort of feedback for the effort I put into creating them.  It lets me know I'm doing a good job!

Audio Version @ YouTube
Episode #39:

Monday, December 2, 2024

Episode #38 ~ Daily Cards/Daily Energy, Finding Your Voice & Lessons Learned


The Emperor; Justice; 10/wands (R)

There's an individual, or there's a set of circumstances, overwhelming your life right now.  My first glance at this card showed me Justice as the Knight of Swords, meaning you have to find your voice and the courage to use it to regain control of a situation, or a person who has totally broken boundaries and in a major way.  What an impact this has had on your life, possibly for several years.  Spirit shows us that this has been an overwhelming experience for you, and that it's negatively affected your self-confidence, your ego, and your ability to speak up and assert yourself throughout most areas of life -- within romantic relationships, family relationships, as well as in a plethora of other personal and professional settings.

Spirit also tells us that when you find your voice and the courage to use it, you will almost immediately feel a lifting of weight from your shoulders.  "Burdens be gone", Spirit says.

ace/wands (R); The Tower; 5/swords (R)

Someone has been working very hard towards a financial goal, or a business opportunity, only to have had something totally out of the blue come along and brutally smash the process.  This fiasco may have led to some unexpected fallout among a group of people, and now you may find yourself gingerly picking up the pieces and taking stock of the final results.

The good news is that you were not left completely empty-handed, but it's back to the drawing board.  Hopefully you will have a whole new perspective from this failed experience, and you will put your knowledge to good use, so next time -- expect a postive outcome.

Please remember, these are general readings done with no one particular individual in mind.  This reading may resonate with a wide variety of people in various phases of life and under uniquely personal circumstances.

I also wanted to note that I no longer give personal readings for individuals, and that all of these general readings, both at The Mystic Crone and at Phoenix Rising, are FREE readings, written and recorded on a whim when the urge strikes me.

If you enjoy these readings and videos, I would appreciate it if you would "like" and "subscribe" at YouTube.  I have to say that it's kind of nice to get some sort of feedback for the effort I put into creating them.  It lets me know I'm doing a good job!

Audio Version @ YouTube
Episode #38:

Monday, November 18, 2024

Episode #37 ~ Daily Cards, Daily Energy, Beware the Cheshire Cat or It's All in the Smile


The Chariot (R); The Lovers (R); The Hierophant

A relationship is going nowhere fast.  There's a feeling of constraint around it that boarders on hypocrisy, somehow, and I know that sounds strange.  So, what is this hypocrisy centered around?

Could it be that someone who gives the impression of propiety, of conformity, of rigid discipline, is perhaps something entirely different?  Is someone concealing their true feelings?  Their true persona?  

The Sun; Ace/pentacles (R); 4/pentacles

Sometimes a person shines too brightly, smiles too often or at inappropriate times, laughs at awkward moments, trys too hard to be pleasant and optimistic and happy and in your face.  It's an act.  And it's usually this very person who is trying very hard with this behavior to take your attention away from something that is significant to you.

In this case, it's all about control.  They're trying very hard to hang onto something.  What?... you? material wealth or possessions, maybe YOUR material wealth and possessions?  the influence they have over you?  your feelings for them?

2/wands (R); 7/cups; Queen/swords

Spirit is telling you not to act rashly or in a frenzied or obvious way right now.  Patience will be your best companion, diligence will be your strength.  And for now, just for now, silence will be your protection.  

At some point, the time will come for you to make a decision, a life changing, perhaps earth shattering decision.  And whatever your choice shall be, know that it will lead you down a new path, it will set a new course for your life, and it will open new doors and highlight new opportunities.

Please remember, these are general readings done with no one particular individual in mind.  This reading may resonate with a wide variety of people in various phases of life and under uniquely personal circumstances.

I also wanted to note that I no longer give personal readings for individuals, and that all of these general readings, both at The Mystic Crone and at Phoenix Rising, are FREE readings, written and recorded on a whim when the urge strikes me.

If you enjoy these readings and videos, I would appreciate it if you would "like" and "subscribe" at YouTube.  I have to say that it's kind of nice to get some sort of feedback for the effort I put into creating them.  It lets me know I'm doing a good job!

Audio Version @ YouTube
Episode #37:

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Episode #36 ~ Daily Cards/Daily Energy, choices-decisions-results


7/cups; The Star; The Chariot

I haven't done this for a while, I've been busy with a new line of video projects, and quite frankly, I was beginning to feel that I may be picking up too much of my own energy too often with the cards.  But on reflection, I thought, so what, I'm also benefiting by the intuitive messages as well as you are.  This is a good thing, and perhaps we ask more from readers than we realize, or readers expect more of themselves than is realistic.

At first breathless glance of these three cards, I can see a microscopic beginning for a much longer tale:
1.  Someone is faced with decisions, and they may be overwhelmed with the decisions they face.  They may also be procrastinating in making a decision.

2.  Somone is trying to do two things at once, or they're trying to divide their time and energy between two very different things at once; whether this be relationships, jobs, personal interests, reaching goals, whatever.  

3.  Someone is contemplating which direction to go, which path to take, which way to turn.  Amongst this dilemma of consideration, they may also be thinking about actually physcially moving, traveling, or moving on figuatively from something to something else.

How am I doing so far?

7/swords; 2/wands; 4/swords

1.  Someone might be trying to take off with a portion of something that is not their's, or a figurative something they do not deserve, like credit, praise, admiration; while at the same time keeping watch behind them lest their thievery or inflated ego is discovered.  

2.  Someone is waiting patiently for a choice to be made, or they are hesitating in making an important choice themselves.  They are weighing all options in a state of calm and matter-of-fact observation and patience, with poker-faced negotiation tactics.  If this is you, good for you!  If this is someone you are in business or financial negotiations or conflict with... oops.

3.  Someone may be contemplating coming out of retirement; activating something they have temporarily deactivated; picking up where they left off; placing themselves in a more solitary position; choosing to ignore a situation, an individual, or the outcome of a choice.

Do you see a pattern here?

Final card:  3/swords

Whether  anyone considers themselves "coming out on top", or "winning", they should take a deeper look at the results they finally achieve, where their choice finally takes them.  There is the old adage "be careful what you wish for", and it might just apply here.  You may get what it is you want, but there will be repercussions that were unforseen, fallout that may not be avoided, possibly some regret, and perhaps a wee bit of remorse thrown in for good measure.

It would seem then that this reading is a warning.  Heed it at your own risk, weigh carefully what you are willing to sacrifice, either materially, or figuratively.

Please remember, these are general readings done with no one particular individual in mind.  This reading may resonate with a wide variety of people in various phases of life and under uniquely personal circumstances.

I also wanted to note that I no longer give personal readings for individuals, and that all of these general readings, both at The Mystic Crone and at Phoenix Rising, are FREE readings, written and recorded on a whim when the urge strikes me.

If you enjoy these readings and videos, I would appreciate it if you would "like" and "subscribe" at YouTube.  I have to say that it's kind of nice to get some sort of feedback for the effort I put into creating them.  It lets me know I'm doing a good job!

Audio Version @ YouTube
Episode #36:  

Monday, September 9, 2024

50 States, Urban Legends, Part 4


North Dakota/00:27...The Miniwashitu
Ohio/1:00...Gore Orphanage
Oklahoma/1:27...Shaman's Portel
Oregon/1:47...The Bandage Man
Pennsylvania/2:17...Eastern State Penitentiary
Rhode Island/2:51...Fingernail Freddie
South Carolina/3:16...The Legend of Lavinia Fisher
South Dakota/3:58...Walking Sam
Tennessee/4:22...Skinned Tom
Texas/4:54...The Lechuza
Utah/5:28...Curse of the Escelante Petrified Forest
Vermont/5:58...Brattleboro Tower
Virginia/6:31...Bunny Man Bridge
West Virginia/7:43...The Mothman
Wisonsin/8:35...The Bloody Headstone at Riverside Cemetery
Wyoming/8:59...The Jackalope

Friday, September 6, 2024

50 States/Urban Legends, Part 3

Michigan/00:27...The Nain Rouge
Minnesota/00:57...The Wendigo
Mississippi/1:28...The Witch of Yazoo
Missouri/2:17...The Landers Theatre
Montana/2:48...Haunting of Chico Hot Springs Hotel
Nebraska/3:33...The Hatchet House
Nevada/4:14...The Aliens & Area 51
New Hampshire/4:39...The Legend of Chocorua
New Jersey/5:36...Ghost Boy of Clinton Road
New Mexico/6:05...UFO Crash at Roswell
New York/7:07...The Legend of Cropsey
North Carolina/7:42...The Beast of Bladenboro

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

50 States, Urban Legends, Part 2


Idaho/00:28...Water Babies of Masssacre Rocks
Illinois/1:14...Bachelor's Grove Cemetery
Indiana/1:45...100 Steps Cemetery
Iowa/2:14...Stony Hollow Road
Kansas/2:54...Molly's Hollow
Kentucky/3:28...Hogan's Fountain
Louisiana/3:56...The Carter Brothers
Maine/4:33...Seguin Island Lighthouse
Maryland/5:30...Big Liz & Greenbrier Swamp
Massachusettes/6:19...The Ghost of Sherrif George Corwin

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

50 States/Urban Legends, Part 1


Alabama/00:29...Huggin' Molly
Alaska/00:58...The Qalupalik
Arizona/1:23...Slaughterhouse Canyon
Arkansas/1:59...The Gurdon Light
California/2:42...Char Man
Colorado/3:16...Ridge Home Asylum
Delaware/4:26...Fort Delaware
Florida/4:49...Captain Tony's
Georgia/5:20...Song of the Cell
Hawaii/6:18...Pali Highway

Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Wendigo


The wendigo is often said to be a malevolent spirit, sometimes depicted as a creature with human-like characteristics, which possesses human beings. It is said to cause its victims a feeling of insatiable hunger, the desire to eat other humans, and the propensity to commit murder. In some representations, the wendigo is described as a giant humanoid with a heart of ice, whose approach is signaled by a foul stench or sudden unseasonable chill.

Merry Meet

"Reclaim your power, O' ancient one. Walk the paths of your ancestors, communicate with the spirit world, and challenge the shadow...