Sunday, January 5, 2025

Episode #39 ~ Daily Cards/Daily Energy, The Final Solution & Generosity Beware


Queen/cups; Justice; Knight/cups

You've been going round and round about this for a while now, and even though you've tried holding your emotions at bay, trying valiantly to look at this from a logical perspective, it hasn't been easy, and  you haven't been very successful with this approach.  I feel the most frustrating part of this for you is the fact that the solution, and the most realistic observation of this situation, should be really clear, cut and dried, but there are people around you that are not looking at this in the same way, and it's frustrating you.

You may feel that you have come, or are coming, really close to giving up and throwing in the towel.  Don't.

Out of the blue, from a completely unexpected source, will come the answer -- and the solution -- that everyone needs.  Indeed, upon this revelation, you might slap yourself on the head and wonder in befuddled exasperation, "Why didn't I think of that!"

Four/pentacles; The Lovers; Knight/pentacles

You keep giving something to someone that you should be holding onto for yourself.  And it appears that you do this not only voluntarily, but on a very regular basis or schedule.  It has become a habit.  Apparently, the recipient has become so used to this that their sense of entitlement has reached a point where they may not even be acknowleding this gift any longer.  You are probably not hearing any thank yous, but you still keep giving.  That's the problem.

This situation is taking place in the realm of a relationship, most likely a romantic relationship, but it could be a platonic relationship that just carries a lot of the same type of energy.

There's someone around you that is aware of this set of circumstances.  They've probably been silent about it for a long time, feeling it might not be their place to interfere or to give an opinion, but the consequences of your actions are getting quite serious now.  This individual is getting ready to do you a favor and point out the discrepancies and the folly of this constant "giving".  They're going to tell you to stop -- listen to them, and be grateful for their presence.

Please remember, these are general readings done with no one particular individual in mind.  This reading may resonate with a wide variety of people in various phases of life and under uniquely personal circumstances.

I also wanted to note that I no longer give personal readings for individuals, and that all of these general readings, both at The Mystic Crone and at Phoenix Rising, are FREE readings, written and recorded on a whim when the urge strikes me.

If you enjoy these readings and videos, I would appreciate it if you would "like" and "subscribe" at YouTube.  I have to say that it's kind of nice to get some sort of feedback for the effort I put into creating them.  It lets me know I'm doing a good job!

Audio Version @ YouTube
Episode #39:

Merry Meet

"Reclaim your power, O' ancient one. Walk the paths of your ancestors, communicate with the spirit world, and challenge the shadow...