Thursday, March 6, 2025

Episode #40 ~ Daily Cards, Daily Energy, a lesson in ego & other stuff


The Fool; 5/swords and Page/swords accidently came up together; 4/swords

You might think that you've solved an issue all on your own.  You might feel like David who slew Goliath, like you are some freakish modern superman and you have the enemy on the run, terrified of your all powerful omnipotent presence.

You are wrong.

Someone had your back, someone who doesn't want any acknowledgment or praise, someone who would prefer to remain anonymous and let you have your moment of glory, as undeserved as it may be.

Find out who this person is -- and say "thank you".

You've held this defensive stance for quite some time, too long in fact.  Your shoulders ache from holding that sword aloft, ready to wield a fatal blow to anyone who may attack you -- attack your decisions, your judgement, your ego.

And all the time you've remained like this, frozen in that protective posture, life has been going on around you, sometimes seemingly unaware of your angst, your anxiousness, your defensiveness.  In being so focused on what is directly in your line of vision, you've missed the magical world transpiring in your perepheral sight.  You might have vaguely been aware of it on occasion, a murmur of happy voices in the distance, laughter spontaneous and soft, movement filled with color and purpose and direction, but always just out of your reach, always at a distance.  Unattainable, or so you thought.

Put the sword down.  It's time to join the rest of the world.

Don't miss the chance for an upcoming journey, there's more to it than just a physical experience and satisfying the taste for travel.  At the end of this trek, you will discover that something or someone you connected with along the way, something you may not have even found significant at the time, will stay with you and give you a great sense of peace and comfort.

Please remember, these are general readings done with no one particular individual in mind.  This reading may resonate with a wide variety of people in various phases of life and under uniquely personal circumstances.

I also wanted to note that I no longer give personal readings for individuals, and that all of these general readings, both at The Mystic Crone and at Phoenix Rising, are FREE readings, written and recorded on a whim when the urge strikes me.

If you enjoy these readings and videos, I would appreciate it if you would "like" and "subscribe" at YouTube.  I have to say that it's kind of nice to get some sort of feedback for the effort I put into creating them.  It lets me know I'm doing a good job!

Audio Version @ YouTube
Episode #40:

Link is coming

Merry Meet

"Reclaim your power, O' ancient one. Walk the paths of your ancestors, communicate with the spirit world, and challenge the shadow...