Sunday, April 14, 2024

Daily Cards/Daily Wisdom ~ A Warning


Knight/pentacles; 8/wands; 10/swords

Long story short...

Someone who is generally stable, and someone who is espeically used to being in a stable postion, is going to find themselves dramatically upended.  The rug is going to be pulled out from under you in a very upsetting and rather rough manner.

This is going to come out of the blue, and it's going to happen very fast.  You're going to feel sucker-punched.

The botton line is that this is going to leave you in a very exposed, vulnerable, and compromising position.  You will find yourself caught between a rock and hard place.  And obviously, this is going to be somthing that will be very difficult, if not impossible to fix.  Once let out, the cat is almost impossible to put back in the bag.

Audio Version @ YouTube
Episode #24:

Merry Meet

"Reclaim your power, O' ancient one. Walk the paths of your ancestors, communicate with the spirit world, and challenge the shadow...