Witchcraft 101: Spell Crafting

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Here’s inspiration for a spell a day, Monday-Friday…to connect with powerful spiritual entities, beat writer’s block, be delightfully successful in your newest business venture, get that marriage proposal you’ve been waiting for, and find your true inner beauty.

We’re going to be working with my favorite kind of magick…candle spells! I’m including herbs and stones, oils, and magickal incantations. I’m assuming that if you’re reading this, you’re a magickal practitioner who is going to know how to use the correspondences and all the magickally scrumptious ingredients to put together and cast a spell. But just in case you’re not– you can refer to this blog post on Candle Magick…here’s everything you’ll need to know to whip up some delightfully witchy results!... 

Saturday:  boy, oh boy, the planet is Saturn, the color is black, and this is “THE” day for revenge and retribution.  I consider Saturday “Hoodoo Day”, and I can almost hear jazz music playing down the street and smell the incense burning while some old priestess is hunched over her bowl of chicken hearts cackling to herself.  This is the day to magickally ‘clean house’.  If there’s an idiot in your life, you can get rid of him today, just give Saturn a kick to wake it up and stand back so you don’t catch the fallout... 

Catnip is commonly used in sleeping potions. The easiest and most pleasant way I can think of to use catnip for this purpose is to make a delicious pot of tea. Catnip is one of the herbs that I grow in my own gardens, so all I have to do when I want to brew a pot of catnip tea is to step outside and snatch a handful of the fresh herb. I usually use both the flowers and the leaves. How much you use is going to depend upon how strong you like your tea and the size of your pot. You can sweeten it with honey or sugar. Since catnip is a member of the mint family, I’m guessing that if you like mint in your tea, you’ll like catnip, though to me it is more pungent.

Catnip has an absolutely intoxicating effect on... 

Find the Magick: in a cup of tea

This page is a work-in-progress.  I'll continue to add magickal information, personal craft experiences, spells, and juicy Craft tidbits and how-to's as time allows.

Merry Meet

"Reclaim your power, O' ancient one. Walk the paths of your ancestors, communicate with the spirit world, and challenge the shadow...