Monday, June 24, 2024

Episode #34 ~ Daily Cards/Daily Energy, manic enthusiasm


Ace/cups; King/pentacles (R); 6/pentacles (R)

There appears to be a gentleman head over heels in love (or so he thinks), a gentleman who is not normally swept off his feet so easily (and yes, men can be swept off their feet).  The thing is, the cup being offered is already overflowing, overflowing with old opportunities, past lovers, it's overflowing with unbridled and manic enthusiasm, as well as an abundance of emotional turmoil and years of baggage.  

It's a pretty messy cup, if you ask me.

And you, usually a pretty grounded and intelligent individual, are so besotted that you do not see the red flags, though they are flying flagrantly in your face.  The thing is, this lustful and empowering attraction (and no, it's not love, no matter what you may think), it's going to cost you, it is.  Your coffers will suffer a serious blow, and not necessarily  because the focus of your lust is wringing you dry, but because your own manic enthusiasm for this brand spankin' shiny new individual is going to make you want to impress her; it's going to make you want to show off; to buy expensive gifts, and to present with extravagant activities.

This is not a good thing; because remember (or re-read the first paragraph of this reading, if it's already slipped your mind), as this individual stands in the glowing accolades of your enthusiastic pursuit, this individual will already be targeting the next love interest.  They will already be looking ahead to the future and all the possiblities that they think they see.  

You have, my poor dear King, been run over by an opportunist, a hopeless and unrealistic romanticist, and someone probably manic-depressive or bi-polar.


Please remember, these are general readings done with no one particular individual in mind.  This reading may resonate with a wide variety of people in various phases of life and under uniquely personal circumstances.

I also wanted to note that I no longer give personal readings for individuals, and that all of these general readings, both at The Mystic Crone and at Phoenix Rising, are FREE readings, written and recorded on a whim when the urge strikes me.

If you enjoy these readings and videos, I would appreciate it if you would "like" and "subscribe" at YouTube.  I have to say that it's kind of nice to get some sort of feedback for the effort I put into creating them.  It lets me know I'm doing a good job!

Audio Version @ YouTube
Episode #34:

Merry Meet

"Reclaim your power, O' ancient one. Walk the paths of your ancestors, communicate with the spirit world, and challenge the shadow...