Monday, July 29, 2024

Episode #35 ~ Daily Cards/Daily Energy, where do I start???


The World (R); Page/cups (R); Strength (R)

I honestly don't set out to do readings based entirely around relationships, I really don't -- honest.  So, sometimes I'm actually kind of disappointed and maybe a little crestfallen when that is what comes up with a draw of the cards, as it just did.  I'm tired of readings circling the wagons around realtionships, and almost always, of course, shitty relationships, or at least relationships with severe issues. 

Why me?  Anyway, so here it is, a general reading, aka the energy for the day. Oy.

The short story:  

Something has finally come full circle, and there's hints here that this was quite a process, and it's about time, and thank god we got through that.  The conclusion of this cycle, hideous as the hints are, came about because of a message, but Spirit is actually screaming in my ear, "Someone spilled the beans!!"  Uh-oh, that usually means that someone was doing something sneaky and underhanded and they got caught or called out.  And finally, you're so cotton-pickin' tired of this repetitive script, that you just might conserve whatever energy you've got left and call the whole fiasco Over and Done.:

That's the short story.

But I'm going to draw three more cards, because, gosh darn, there must be more to life, or at least more to this story.  Here goes...

5/cups; 7/swords; Knight/wands (R)

Here we go again, the short story:

Well, someone is sure bawling over their spilled beans, and feeling all remorseful and guilty, and really wishing they could go back and put all those big-mouth beans back in the chalices.  But it's too late, and I don't see anyone crying along with this individual.  Spirit is actually whispering in my ear, "See that cloud of dust down the road?  You are escaping this situation while the gettin's good."

I would love to be able to say that through this miserable situation, someone has learned a good lesson and come out wiser and more careful with choices and decisions in life and more responsible and mature -- but that isn't true.  They are mournful for the loss of this relationship for only a short time, or while someone is watching them so they can get hugs and sympthay and comments like, "It wasn't your fault."  But as soon as the audience is gone, they are right back to their old tricks, setting themselve up for another fiasco which will result in another very predictable relationship failure.  

If there is a high point to this reading, and by golly, there actually is, so stick with me.  It is the fact that the chaos and scattered energy, the awkwardness and uncomfortable energy, the mental anguish that you were experiencing in the throws of this fiasco masquerading as a relationship are gone... just gone, bam, disappeared.  

Now, take a deep breath.  Also, take some alone time -- alone time, that means not frantically and desperately grasping the first relationship opportunity that might float your way -- and recover. 

Recover, and then make wiser choices.

Please remember, these are general readings done with no one particular individual in mind.  This reading may resonate with a wide variety of people in various phases of life and under uniquely personal circumstances.

I also wanted to note that I no longer give personal readings for individuals, and that all of these general readings, both at The Mystic Crone and at Phoenix Rising, are FREE readings, written and recorded on a whim when the urge strikes me.

If you enjoy these readings and videos, I would appreciate it if you would "like" and "subscribe" at YouTube.  I have to say that it's kind of nice to get some sort of feedback for the effort I put into creating them.  It lets me know I'm doing a good job!

Audio Version @ YouTube
Episode #35:

Merry Meet

"Reclaim your power, O' ancient one. Walk the paths of your ancestors, communicate with the spirit world, and challenge the shadow...