Friday, May 24, 2024

Episode #31 ~ Daily Cards/Daily Energy, more questions than answers


King/pentacles; 7/wands (R); 10/swords

So, as this king sits in placid calmness, he watches as someone is trying desperately to defend themsleves, or their position, and the outcome of this whole scenario is defeat and ruin if this individual fails to hold their boundaries in place.  The figure on the 7/wands is one of desperation, determination, with a bit of panic thrown in for good measure.  This individual has the capacity to look beyond their dubious place on this card and can actually see the consequences, should they fail.  And this fact lends itself to a desperate flight or fight adrenalin rush, do or die.

Who is this King?  Why does he seem so ambivalent and detached?  Who is the character on the 7/wands, and who are they trying so hard to keep at bay?  Why are they trying so desperately to hold their place, to maintain this ground?  What do they feel they need protection from?

4/wands; 8/cups; The Magician (R)

In the midst of what appears to be, and should be, a very joyful, happy, celebratory atmosphere or time frame someone is actually planning their departure.  They are doing this most likely for a variety of reasons, but the most important being to regain control of their lives and personal power to make their own decisions and take their own actions without outside interference from a third party.

Does this mean that their present life, or exsistence, is a facade?  How is it that they can so easily turn their back on thier present life, either an individual, a relationship, or a set of circumstances?  Why are they trying to regain their sense of freedom and personal power, and how did they lose it in the first place?

Knight/pentacles (R); 3/wands (R); 10/pentacles (R)

The exuberance is gone; the contracts are devoid; and the result is financial chaos and insecurity.

The heightened over-the-top enthusiasm for this situation, or individual, has definitely waned, as though it had a pail of cold water dashed in its face.  And with the departure of the almost manic enthusiam, the action, or actions, of an individual have also ceased.  

There are some serious decisions to be made, alternatives to be found, and new slates to begin, but everything seems to be at a complete standstill right now, no one ready to make the first move, and maybe not even knowing what the first move should be.  As a result, bank accounts will spring unfixable leaks, money will run through their fingers, and the results are that several things may fall into ruin... property, personal means, happiness, contentment, and security.

Why did the knight suddenly loose his enthusiasm here?  What is the person on the 3/wands waiting for, and why are they letting everything fall into disrepair in the first place?  Why is the individual on the 3/wands so afraid to take action?  Where is all the wealth and finances shown on the 10/pentacles?  Where did it go?  Who spent it?  Or who has it now?  Can it ever be retrieved?

Audio Version @ YouTube
Episode #31:

Merry Meet

"Reclaim your power, O' ancient one. Walk the paths of your ancestors, communicate with the spirit world, and challenge the shadow...